Hadassah’s “Trusting God in Our Suffering” God Story

Altered Stories Show (S3 E137)

In this Episode, I feature special guest, Hadassah Treu! Hadassah is an award-winning international author of 3 books in English and Bulgarian, a blogger at onthewaybg.com, a poet, speaker, and motivator, holding a master's in international relations. She speaks 4 languages and lives in Bulgaria, Europe. In our authentic conversation, Hadassah shares her “Trusting God in Your Suffering” God story of how God carried her through the challenges of her childhood and one of her darkest times of suffering after her husband passed away unexpectedly. She also shares how God brought her back to Bulgaria from Austria to move forward into her author and speaker calling after her husband’s death. In closing, she offers ministering words of encouragement to help others draw near to God in their darkest valleys of life.

This Episode also includes a mental health tip from our ministry partner and licensed mental health counselor, Sherrie Pucket.

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