Becky’s “I Can’t But God Can” God Story

Altered Stories Show (S3 E133)
In this Episode, I interview special guest Becky Kiser from the Houston, Texas area. Becky is a certified Life Coach, speaker, author, and host of the “More Than Ordinary with Becky Kiser” podcast. She is committed to helping women know, love, and follow God and His Word so they can live freer and fuller lives. In this Episode, Becky shares her “I Can’t But God Can” transformational God story about God’s intervention in her life and how He helped her get unstuck. She also shares how God helped her identify the lies she listened to and replace them with new truths to walk in purpose and freedom. She also shares encouraging words from scripture to help others who are struggling with being stuck. 
Also, included in this Episode is a mental health tip from ministry partner, Sherrie Pucket, a licensed mental health counselor. 
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