Article18 - A Voice For Iranian Christians with Mansour Borji S5 EP#159

Unconventional Ministry (S1 E159)

In this podcast episode, learn from Mansour Borji, Founder and President of Article18. Article18 is an organization that advocates for persecuted Iranian Christians and endeavors to see Iran’s full compliance with its national and international commitment to religious freedom as defined by Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

Our conversation highlights both the difficulties and the courage of Christians living under one of the world's most oppressive regimes. Mansour emphasizes the resilience and faith of these individuals who persist in their religious practices despite significant risks.

Article18 aims to foster significant societal change in Iran towards greater tolerance and understanding among all religious groups. Join Article18 in the critical role of international advocacy in securing a safer, freer future for all Iranians, highlighting why defending human rights is not just our responsibility but a necessity.


A previous Unconventional Ministry Podcast episode you will enjoy:

  • Episode #138 Unique Firsthand Perspectives of the Iranian Church with Rev. Tat Stewart. In this episode, listen to Rev. Tat Stewart masterfully and humorously tell the story of how God wove the details of his life together and raised him up to become an influential part of the spiritual awakening in Iran in the 1970s. At a time when few foreigners could observe the impact of the Iranian Revolution, Tat, being no stranger to the people of Iran, was given a unique window to see firsthand how the Gospel spread like wildfire there. Learn how his experience living among Iranians prepared him to be an effective shepherd for a new generation of Iranian Christians as an influential leader and teacher in the Iranian Church. Rev. Tat Stewart recently published his new book "No Stranger: to Iran, its People, and its Church," available on Amazon.
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