26 | Bill Otterness: Talking about Art is Contagious! Catch the Fire!

Faith Horizons | Discovering the kingdom of God in Kansas City One Conversation at a Time (S1 E0)

This podcast was originally intended to be a short kingdom brief, but art is contagious and God was in the conversation. 
In this episode Bill and I took a deeper look at the future hopes, dreams, and purposes of Genesis 1:1. Through our conversation Bill painted a picture… no pun intended of a possible future and some of the hurdles that needed to be crossed to get there.  Genesis 1:1 is pioneering new territory in the Kansas City Christian art scene. 

a. Open Studio on February 19th from 4-8pm at Grace Point Baptist Church. Art, snacks, music and fellowship.
b. Art Flood KC Plein Air Event :  May 9th – 12th from 2-5pm at Loose Park

Genesis 1:1

Otterness Missions
To learn more about Otterness Missions and about upcoming events go to

Don't tell anyone!!! Just to let you know: I cut at least 10 minutes out of the recorded audio and before I started recording we talked for about 15 minutes over the same subject ..... don’t do the math. Like I said before, art is contagious!

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