Angela’s “Not Just Cells” God Story

Altered Stories Show (S2 E103)

In this powerful Episode, I feature special guest,  Angela Paganelli.   Angela is the founder of Foster Blessings, and the author of the upcoming book, “Foster Blessings”.  She has been featured on Fearless Fostering, Orphan No More, FASD Hope, and many other podcasts.  In our authentic conversation, Angela shares her transformational “Not Just Cells” God Story and how she realized that she was made in God’s image and wasn’t just a clump of cells.  She also shares about her teen years in foster care and being institutionalized, and as a result ended up at a very young age, in an abusive marriage. Now 20 years later, her and her husband have fostered over 20 children, including 4 adoptions. Two of those are special needs children which led them to found," All In", a special needs children's church program.  She also shares encouraging words to those who are struggling with getting support as Foster parents or are questioning their faith or belief in God.

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