“Bears Sweet Necessities” (11-yr-old) Audrey’s Inspiration

Letters From Home (S1 E4)
Can a kid cupcake business help the homeless?….Audrey Bolstad thinks so. Her story is one of noticing others in need in daily life, talking to her family about how to make a difference, and then doing just that. In Fall 2017, Audrey started Bears Sweet Necessities, when she was just 11. Her business started with a desire to help a homeless man in Fremont, and grew from there. Audrey is a twin, almost 13, and has two other older sisters. You will enjoy getting a peek into their heart and home. Her cupcakes are professional, and tasty. she gives a portion of her proceeds to Hopelink. You can find out more about her cupcakes on her Facebook Page, her Instagram page, or by emailing, [email protected]
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