"Having Nothing & Having Everything" Glori Winders

Letters From Home (S1 E33)
Contentment is rare. Have you been through a season of having everything? And how about a season of having nothing? The Market Crash of “08 affected so many families to the core.
And life itself can be a rollercoaster, especially when it starts out with every E-ticket in the book. As Glori brings you into her remarkable faith story, you will hear the moments that have changed her, and made her to be the content and grateful child of God, Mama, wife, Gigi and RV-living entrepreneurial nomad she is today.

Her heart’s desire is to help women “Redefine life on your terms and Live Glorified”

Phil. 4:4-“Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let joy overflow, for you are united with the Anointed One.” The Passion Translation

Stories Glori shares:
Parent attempting suicide
Parent threatening suicide
Lukemia awareness
Loss of a sibling
Growing up fast
When the child becomes the parent
How parenting changes after the loss of a child
The market crash of 2008
The real estate crash of 2008
Being an essentialist vs. being a minimalist
Loving who her family became through the journey
RV living
5 things you probably don’t know about rv living
Not having a Plan B for marriage
Never saying the ‘d’ word
Stewardship vs. ownership
Being a minimalist vs. being an essentialist
Business and ministry to women
Co-creating with her family

Great quotes from Glori:
“A lot of times the kids who are adult children of alcoholics can go two ways, they follow the alcoholic’s footsteps or they become the superstar, trying to be so perfect that they will make everything right.”
“the counselor friend mentioned that really and truly honoring your Mom is not letting her sin against you, and you allowing this behavior is letting her sin against you.”
“Tim got saved through the Amway business.”
“We were riding high. We were doing good. And then the market crashed and real estate crashed in 2008.”
“He even tried to go flip burgers at McDonald’s and they told him he was overqualified. He couldn’t get the job.”
“We had a lot of things. And we realized that we just didn’t have the things, the things had us.”
“We don’t say minimalist, we say essentialist, because if it is essential and you need it to do whatever it is God has called you to do, okay.”
“All four of us would say, we don’t like the journey we had to go on, but we all love who we became through the journey.”

Resources mentioned:
Seek. Go. Create. Website:
Glori on LinkedIn:
on Instagram:

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