"A 21st Century Virtual Visionary" Eric Nevins

Letters From Home (S1 E35)
How long did it take you to find your calling from God? For Eric, it took him 15 long years. But he arrived. and now, he is living his purpose, as a 21st Century Virtual Visionary. Come along on his journey, from actor to seminary student, to family man, to call center, to podcaster, to speaker, to visionary and so much more. You will hear the journey of a man seeking to find rest and peace before a God, who was with him in his darkest hour, and the love of his life, there with him all along the way.

II Peter 1:4-“… so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.”

Topics Covered:

Crazy birth story
Wanting to be an actor and a pastor
The value of having mentors
Awana love story
9/11 story
Going to Trinity International School in Chicago
Learning your craft and learning the business
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Hamilton the book
Young marrieds in college
His dark night of the soul
15 years to find his purpose
Denver Seminary, 9 years to a 3 year degree
Books that changed him
A story of how God provides
A story of how God is working when we don’t know he is working
Early podcaster influences
Halfway There Podcast
Christian Podcasters Association
School Shooting
Kendrick Castillo
Lectio Divina
John Denver and The Muppets
The Christian Podcaster

Great Quotes by Eric Nevins:

“Learn your craft, but also learn the business.”
“I think we have enough drama going on in the world that we don’t need movies right now,”
“Nothing says Christmas to me like John Denver and The Muppets.”



Halfway There Episodes:
Skye Jethani #215, Os Guinness #217, his Grandmothers: Betty Lou Long #192, and Harriett Miller #191

“Satisfy Your Soul” Bruce Demarest
Richard J. Foster “Celebration of Discipine”
Dallas Willard “The Divine Conspiracy”
Dan Miller “48 Days to the Work You Love”
Sam Jones “Off Camera”

Podcasters that impacted Eric early in his calling:
Cliff Ravenscraft
John Lee Dumas
Michael Hyatt
Michael O’ Neil
Mark Marin
Sam Jones


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