"The Maverick Minister" Cliff Ravenscraft

Letters From Home (S1 E39)
At a new church, a self-proclaimed ‘nut job’ came up to Cliff and told him that he was going to not only be a full-time minister, but that he would minister to tens of thousands of people. In that moment he was stunned. As his life and mission unfold, you will see how this prophecy is fulfilled, in a very unorthodox way. Cliff Ravenscraft is a maverick minister, and his story will inspire you to carve your own way. He is an O.G. podcaster, who has over 5,000 episodes, has created more than 40 podcasts, and is responsible for teaching thousands how to podcast. He is also “The Mindset Answerman.” In his life today, he continues to influence many. He and his wife Stephanie help thousands “Free The Dream” inside of them, and break through limiting beliefs.

Romans 8:38-39 “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


What Cliff shared about:

Difficult early childhood memories
Catholic schooling
The only non-catholic in a catholic school
Afraid to burn in hell
Saved at a summer camp
His experience in lots of denominations
Questioning his salvation
High school transformation
His mic drop walk out experience
Rejected by a girl
From 100% commitment, to completely off the grid
College alcohol to cold turkey
Meeting Stephanie
A crazy nut job tells him “one day you will minister to tens of thousands of people”
Marriage EOTC Bible Study Group “Cliff’s Clubhouse handle”
“Encouraging Others Through Christ”
Cell Group multiplication
Chartering a church in his home after a church split
Finding his calling


Cliff’s Websites:
https://www.cliffravenscraft.com/work-with-me, where you can watch a free one hour video that could change the trajectory of your life.

Cliff Ravenscraft Quotes:
“I have always had a passion and a desire to know about God and to not burn in hell.”
“He restores my soul and gives me opportunity to be in union with Him, all day every day, even if I am not consciously aware of it.”
“I wanted to fast from actually receiving the appreciation and praise of anyone in the world.”


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