"Lovingly Brought to Her Knees" Tina Smith

Letters From Home (S1 E42)
You don’t become the founder of “Raising Kids on Your Knees” unless you have discovered the value of prayer. The founder of this impactful ministry, Tina Smith, shares with us her beautiful journey to get there. And every journey worth fighting for has bumps, and choices, and consequences, and the welcome arms and smile of God waiting, for those who are willing.

Romans 8:28-“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”


Topics Shared:

Privileged upbringing
Radical change of finances
Divorced parents
Secret abortion
Young marriage
Difficult public divorce
Single motherhood
Lifetime mentor
Second marriage
Triggers from the past
Blended family struggles
Abortion counseling
Starting a prayer life
Her war chair
Zoom Prayer 2020


Tina’s Website, Raising Kids on Your Knees-
Tina’s Prayer Podcast- “Raising Kids on Your Knees”
Tina’s Parenting Podcast- “Not All Heroes Wear Capes-A Mom Podcast”
(both podcast links are on the front page of her website)

Tina Quotes:

“Lord, if this relationship cannot be restored, please set me free. And within weeks, he set me free. it was crystal clear.”
“You reap what you sow, but here is the deception. You don’t reap in the same season that you sow.”
“Single momming is hard. I have the utmost respect for single moms.”
“Second marriages are not like first marriages. There’s a whole lot of other nuances.”
“God began setting me free, and began healing me.”


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