"Living and Loving Out Loud" Raven Hartwell

Letters From Home (S1 E51)
Have you made a mistake, a really big one, early on in marriage? Did you think your marriage was over? Our society is so prone to cancel for the smallest of transgressions. But not God. God wants to not only completely heal us, but to have our healing be a story that can be lived and shared out loud, to help others heal.

Raven Hartwell has a beautiful love story of redemption, that she so lovingly and vulnerably shares. She has a wonderful childlike faith, and you can hear that 100% trust in her God as she shares. You will be so encouraged. Raven and her husband Keith love and serve the Lord with their precious sons, influencing this world for good.

Rev. 12:11- “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. “


Topics Shared:
Happy childhood
Struggles with rejection
Cutting to deal with the pain
72 hours in psych ward
Forgiveness and letting go
Favored by God
High school diploma struggle and gift
Married at 20 without parents approval
In laws cause major stress
Marital infidelity early in marriage
It took years to forgive herself
Learning to love each other again
Starting their family
A third pregnancy
Unexpected stillbirth in 2020
Pandemic hospital protocol
Precious Kyler
Freedom from the grip of grief
Isaiah 54
Time to tell their story
Helping thousands on social media
Starting a marriage podcast

Raven Quotes:

“He has always favored me, and He has always seen me when I thought my parents didn’t.”
“I was experiencing rejection from a family that I really wanted to marry into forever.”
“I think people don’t understand. They underestimate how much of an impact family has on your marriage. It is really vital to be of one accord as a couple.”
“There is power in forgiveness. You feel free when you are forgiven.”
“I have never been one to enjoy grief. I don’t believe it is a beautiful thing. It is not something that you can sit in. It really can put pressure on you, into questioning your life and holding you back from life, that God has given you to move forward.”

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ravenhartwell6?lang=en
Raven Hartwell’s podcast, “Beyond The Altar”, YouTube Channel and Shopping Store: https://linktr.ee/Raventhomashartwell


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